
Beginner's Guide to Moicon

What does this article cover?

You may utilize your model to test many different alternatives and optimize for the best design that fulfills your project requirements by working in simulation mode. This saves time and money by verifying that your design satisfies project goals and avoiding mistakes.

Simulation Panel

The simulation panel appear at the top-right corner of the UI:

  • sources indicate the quantity emitted,

  • processors indicate the current production rate for the present operation,

  • buffers indicate the capacity in quantity and percentage,

  • end products indicate the number of processed items

You can select preferred Target type. Product: See the Product object in your process analysis scheme to set Target Quantity.

Or set Target type to Time. Simulation will continue until it reaches the selected time value.

In simulation, the target type "Time" refers to the length of time that the simulated system is run for. This is typically used to observe the report of the simulation when it's over, or to see how the simulation indicators changes as time progresses.

As the simulation progresses, data for each item appears:

Simulation stops when the final products reach their selected goal quantity. However it’s possible to continue simulation and measure the aftermath. Simply adjust Speed and wait for the final Report.

Use Cases

How to estimate production costs?

Calculating Production costs and return on investment for production conditions has never been easier. You will learn how to prepare a cost estimate and see the benefits of a given example.

This dataset will give you an overall view of how profitable your production line is. Because of many variables coming from the production line the App will help you forecast, plan, implement and review.