Navigation and Hotkeys
Work faster
If you've ever found yourself wanting to ditch your mouse and become a keyboard-only internet warrior, Moicon's hotkeys are the first big step to making you realize your dream!
What does this article cover?
LMB - Left mouse button
RMB - Right mouse button
Hold LMB Rotate the viewport
Hold RMB Move the viewport
Scroll wheel up/down Zoom in/out the viewport
RMB Viewer context menu
Alt + LMB Select items using box selection
Ctrl + LMB Add/Remove items to/from the group selection
2x LMB Change camera pivot point
2x LMB (asset) Zoom in the camera to the asset
ESC Cancel
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Asset Placement
←/→/↓ /↑ - keyboard arrow keys
← Rotate asset -90 degrees along Y axis
→ Rotate asset +90 degrees along Y axis
↓ Rotate asset -90 degrees along X axis
↑ Rotate asset +90 degrees along X axis
ESC escape from placing the asset
LMB Place the asset
ESC/Enter escape from the path edit mode
LMB Place point
We are constantly working on adding more hotkeys.