Upload New Assets
Beginner's Guide to Moicon
What does this article cover?
Select Add asset.
Drag & Drop to upload model files.
Add Thumbnail
Select Thumbnail and Drag & Drop desired picture.
Change Name and click Save.
Select a Category/Categories
Select Categories.
Pick desired folders.
Create a category if necessary.
Make sure new category is activated.
Assets in Explorer
Open your project and place uploaded asset on viewport.
How to prepare DWG AutoCad 3D file?
It's important to Explode asset before exporting as 3D DWF. After uploading, please wait a while before the file will be processed.
It's ready to be placed on viewport.
What if the Asset Textures Do Not Load?
Edit the *.gltf file, you can use Notepad++ or similar text editing software.
Search for 'textures' and change the file path. Make sure textures won't be in the folder. For textures to work properly place a texture path without any folders or subfolders.
After these steps, upload the asset again. Textures should be visible.
Simplify Your STL File
Thanks to https://3dless.com site you can make your STL model simpler by reducing the number of vertices. To do this, select a file and specify how many vertices you want it to have, then save it to a new file.